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BunkerDown Charters

Phone Number: (201) 412 - 5783


BunkerDown Charters is always trying to serve our guests and provide the best experience possible. If you have a question please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible. We have a frequently asked questions page to answer most common questions. Please be aware we may be on a Fishing Charter which may delay our timely reply. We will get back to you as soon as possible. We work hard to keep our calendar updated. Our website schedule is the most updated information so please book online with confidence knowing the calendar availability is accurate.

BunkerDown Charters

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Hook the Best in Carteret Waters!

Embark on an exhilarating angling escapade with BunkerDown Charters, the ultimate destination for unforgettable fishing experiences in Carterer, NJ. Under the expert guidance of Captain Ken Zwirko, our charter service invites anglers of every proficiency level to engage in thrilling battles with trophy fish amidst the breathtaking vistas of Carterer's unspoiled waters. With a dedication to exceeding customer expectations and a profound love for the sport of fishing, BunkerDown Charters guarantees a day brimming with adventure, companionship, and cherished moments destined to etch themselves into your memory forever.

More about BunkerDown Charters